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Candidate experience

Interview with a customer support specialist: how a positive candidate experience made an impact

If it’s one thing we hear from our customers very often, it’s the overwhelmingly positive feedback about the level of support they receive and how impactful it is to their success in using…

Candidate experience

7 companies with a great candidate experience

Life is sweet for the job seeker in today’s market – a record number of jobs are being created and companies are struggling to fill their open roles . That means the pressure is on for employers.…

Candidate experience

Hiring and managing the emerging workforce

This session recording is from Greenhouse Open Conference 2018

Candidate experience

Leveraging Greenhouse to improve your candidate experience

This session recording is from Greenhouse Open Conference 2018

Candidate experience

Essential onboarding checklists

Everyone wants to make a good first impression. But why do so many companies drop the ball when it comes to welcoming new hires? We’ve collected a checklist of the most common tasks in a typical…