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Candidate sourcing

Campus recruiting reboot: Prepping for Gen Z

As the end of the academic year rapidly approaches, forward-thinking companies are preparing campus recruiting events to increase visibility and source new college graduates. Among these new grads?…

Candidate sourcing

Sourcing unwrapped – How to be an expert sourcer

This great fireside chat features the Talent experts at Red Ventures. They've joined us to unravel unique sourcing practices and tips to help you become a rockstar sourcer. You’ll walk away knowing…

Candidate sourcing

Sourcing secrets: How to nurture and win top talent

Today’s talent professionals know that sourcing and attracting top talent requires much more than posting a job description. In fact, with recent data showing that 80% of candidates are passive, the…

Candidate sourcing

Talent marketing to the most competitive talent pool: Tech professionals

Tech talent is in high demand. When hiring engineers and highly skilled tech workers, every company is competing with Google, Facebook and Amazon. Attracting top tech talent begins with…

Candidate sourcing

Hiring tech talent: How to win when hiring for the most competitive roles

This session recording is from Greenhouse Open Conference 2019 Tech talent is in high demand. When hiring engineers and highly skilled tech workers, every company is competing with Google, Facebook…