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Talent strategy

Applying employee lifetime value (ELTV) to articulate the ROI of people practices

Leverage our proposal template and supporting data to take the concept of employee lifetime value (ELTV) and apply it to real-world situations. This template will show you how to frame people…

Talent strategy

Get the eBook: How to understand the ROI of investing in people

Measuring an employee’s lifetime value (ELTV) enables companies to see the impact of hiring on business outcomes more accurately than ever before. In this whitepaper, we’ll walk you through a case…

Talent strategy

The Greenhouse Talent Maker primer: How to create a culture of great hiring

Learn how leaders are transforming the way their companies attract, hire and onboard talent to drive business growth. The ability to find, attract and hire great people has become more competitive…

Talent strategy

Detailed professional services guide

When considering the hiring software that’s right for you, you’ll need more than a set of features that promise results – you need a partner to guide you as your business grows and your business and…

Talent strategy

How to hire in the age of remote work

Talent teams are facing a new challenge: fully-remote hiring. How can you deliver the best candidate experience, remotely? And how can you hire top talent you’ve never met in person?
