
Engage top recruiters & receive curated candidates in our third-party recruitment marketplace.

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Developer BountyJobs
Partner implementation fee
This is a fee paid to the partner to implement the integration.

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Company sizes supported
Regions supported
Languages supported
These languages are supported by the integration partner, but may not necessarily be supported by Greenhouse.

Hard-to-fill jobs solved

Sometimes sourcing talent for business-critical positions requires a little help. Our web-based platform features a marketplace of over 10,000 highly-qualified agencies and a performance-based matching algorithm that helps hiring teams of all sizes find and engage the recruiters for each of their roles.


Now you can have the power of BountyJobs in your Greenhouse account. Greenhouse now integrates with BountyJobs allowing you to harness the power of the BountyJobs Recruitment Marketplace on your positions in Greenhouse.

Tackle your hard-to fill roles with BountyJobs. We enable you to:

  • Find the right help

We know the right recruiter makes a difference, so we’ll help you find the best match possible

  • Move fast

You need someone now so all of our recruiters on a single contract- start today, no delays

  • Work smart

Our tools make working with your recruiter and finding your perfect candidate simple, you’ll see