
Fully configurable Talent assessment solutions to help you make the most Intelligent hiring decision

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Developer Talegent
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Our assessment platform is built to do your bidding

Talegent provides analytically informed and bias-free solutions for identifying the best talent by leveraging an engaging candidate experience which optimises your existing talent pool. With best-in-class predictive analytics tools, Talegent provides fast and effective talent measurement solutions that can be fully integrated with Greenhouse.

Choose from the following tools, or take a look at Talegent’s website for more:

PATH Personality: Gather deep insight into what motivates and drives individuals, the way they think and make decisions, how they communicate and interact with others, the type of work environment in which they perform best, and more.

PATH Cognitive Ability: Gain an objective and accurate picture of expected performance in verbal, numerical and logical reasoning — then compare those competency measurements with manager ratings of on-the-job performance.

PATH Values: Give insight into candidates personal and work values, allowing you to find a candidate whose values align with that of the organisation.

Skills Tests: Ranging from clerical to healthcare to IT, these skills tests carry a data set of over 300 hands-on job skills.

Gamify: The first-ever realistic game-based simulation that is directly catered to your company and the roles you are looking to fill. Using sound psychometric science, it allows you to screen based on key competencies including Learning Agility.

Video Interview: Get a sense of the person that’s behind the scores, with full autonomy to set your own questions, time limits and preparation times.