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Become great at hiring

Improve every aspect of your hiring, from sourcing to onboarding, with these curated resources. From webinars and worksheets to case studies and eBooks, get the guidance you need to meet your hiring goals.

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All guidance

Video, Candidate sourcing

Modern recruiting: Using talent pools to nurture candidates

This session recording is from Greenhouse Open Conference 2018

Video, Roi and hiring metrics

Leveraging performance data to earn buy-in and iterate

This session recording is from Greenhouse Open Conference 2018

Video, Company culture

How to overcome resistance to build a winning hiring culture, alone

This session recording is from Greenhouse Open Conference 2019

Video, Onboarding

Empowering hiring managers to be impactful onboarding partners

This session recording is from Greenhouse Open Conference 2018

Video, Hiring tech stack

The talent tech stack: HR and recruiting ecosystem trends

This session recording is from Greenhouse Open Conference 2018

Article, Roi and hiring metrics

How to diagnose your recruiting funnel problems quickly and painlessly

In an ideal world, your recruiting funnel is a well-oiled machine. Your candidate outreach leads to a steady flow of recruiter phone screens, which leads to hiring manager screens, onsite…

eBook, Candidate experience, Onboarding

Essential onboarding checklists

Everyone wants to make a good first impression. But why do so many companies drop the ball when it comes to welcoming new hires? We’ve collected a checklist of the most common tasks in a typical…

Article, Recruiter tips

Recruiting events simplified: A recruiter’s perspective on using the Greenhouse Events app

As someone that’s incredibly familiar with the typical career fair experience from all angles (attendee, host, employer), I know how energetic and hectic they can be. Attendees have a list of…

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