Ai4JOBS by ThisWay Global

Source from our network of 8,500+ organizations and 169M candidates. Candidates and past applicants are scored and ranked vs all open roles.

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Developer Ai4JOBS by ThisWay Global
Partner implementation fee
This is a fee paid to the partner to implement the integration.
Company sizes supported 101-1,000, 1,001-10,000, 10,000+
Regions supported North America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), APAC (Asia Pacific), South America
Languages supported
These languages are supported by the integration partner, but may not necessarily be supported by Greenhouse.
Danish, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Discover qualified talent from untapped, diverse candidate pools for all your jobs within seconds

Identify the best applicants for every job instantly. REVEAL by Ai4Jobs is now available inside Greenhouse. With the click of a button, our software ranks and scores all applicants for any job with no change to your workflow.

Improve your time-to-fill job metrics and sourcing success rates by 47%. Built by HR and technology experts, we do the high-tech part so your recruitment team can do the high-touch part. Start talking to the best applicants now…ThisWay.


Unbiased job-to-candidate matching

Source from our Network of 8,500+ organizations containing over 169 million candidates. Each candidate will be reviewed and scored against all of your open roles. All past applicants are continuously matched against current open positions. A diverse hiring pipeline for all open roles at your fingertips

Seamless recruitment process automation

Unlock the power of talent and diversity in your recruitment process with the seamless integration of ThisWay Global and IBM watsonx Orchestrate™

Automatically source from your ATS database

All past applicants are continuously matched against current open positions. A diverse hiring pipeline for all open roles at your fingertips.