
HRdiversifyd is a diversity analytics software that enables an organization to proactively track and measure diversity, and identify any bias and discrimination during the recruiting process.

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Developer Greenhouse
Partner implementation fee
This is a fee paid to the partner to implement the integration.

Company sizes supported
Regions supported
Languages supported
These languages are supported by the integration partner, but may not necessarily be supported by Greenhouse.

Diversity enabled

HRdiversifyd is a diversity analytics software that enables an organization to proactively track and measure diversity, and identify any conscious or unconscious bias and discrimination during the recruiting process. The product “guarantees” diverse states of candidates in real-time at any given point during the recruiting process and empowers the recruiting team with real-time recruiting data to take deliberate action. Finally, there is software that provides a way to make sense of the diversity data collected during the recruiting and talent acquisition process and can measure it against the diversity objectives defined by your organization. Let us help you go beyond the status quo of just saying you're diverse, but giving you the ability to prove it.