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Article, Hiring tech stack

The power of HR tech and collaboration in the hiring process: Perspectives from HR, IT and finance

We spoke with IT, HR and finance leaders at IBM, Precisely and Greenhouse about collaboration and the power of hiring technology throughout the hiring process. Read the recap.

Integration, Productivity & collaboration, Productivity & collaboration, Analytics, Recruitment optimization & analytics


Caro helps Talent, People, and Finance teams with headcount planning and talent capacity management.

Integration, Sourcing, Recruitment marketing, Referral sourcing

Eqo Refer

Eqo helps you increase your frontline employee engagement with your referral program while eliminating manual admin tracking.

Integration, Sourcing, Sourcing, Screening tools, Reference checks

Crosschq Reference

Transform reference checks into conclusive, data-driven candidate reports: validate skills, competencies, work history & culture match.