
Search for, build your brand with, and hire, technical students in ways you never could before.

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We power student discovery and engagement like no one else

Piazza Careers is built on top of Piazza’s 5 year old market-leading class discussion platform, used by over 1.25M college students at all the top universities (and hundreds more).

With Piazza Careers, you can:

Run searches.

You can be substantially more targeted at top schools but also go after long tail schools you would never otherwise visit. Run powerful searches like "Find me all MIT undergrads who were TAs to MIT’s hardest classes” or “Find me students in the top CS schools who’ve been coding since the age of 15” or “Find me seniors in the long tail who were top performers in mobile programming classes”.

Build resume books.

Get rid of inefficient interview costs by directly controlling the top of the funnel. Run relevant searches on Piazza Careers, organize results into folders that matter, and pursue high quality candidates. Never again start with a low yield stack of resumes.

Message candidates.

Use Piazza Careers to directly message your star candidates where they’re already spending 2-3 hours of their evening doing homework. See when they’ve read your message and get notified when they reply. Open rates on Piazza average 85%, and reply rates average 50% when you send them highly targeted messages. Compare that with other leading recruiting platforms where you might get 15-20% reply rates with this same population.

Publicize events.

Publish your campus events on the platform that students are deeply familiar with and are already engaged on. Let them know you (and your engineers) are coming to campus and that you’re eager to meet with them while there. Boost attendance and make sure the right students attend your events.

Review RSVPs.

Receive detailed RSVP reports ahead of time and review rich profiles for those students who will be attending your events. Identify the 10-15 students you really want to be establishing relationships with while on campus and even fill up some on-campus interview slots by doing your homework in advance. Put those dollars spent on campus activities to good use.

Launch campaigns.

Launch campaigns to establish year-round meaningful relationships with your core audience. Reach hundreds of students at once with a highly personalized message. Let them know about exciting technical challenges that your engineers are working on. Or simply find creative ways to connect with students to build engagement with your brand.

Target minority groups.

Get access to women and other minority groups through a subset of very powerful search and target mechanisms. Reach 135,000+ women studying science, engineering and math subjects and 48,000+ specifically in computer science classes, plus thousands more representing other minority groups. Limited spots only.