Greenhouse Verified

How it works

Here’s how we use data on companies’ hiring practices to determine whether they’re prioritizing equity, respect and communication in their hiring.

Two coworkers reviewing content on a digital tablet with Greenhouse Verified UI

What it takes for companies to get Greenhouse Verified


This verification means companies are creating a fair process that mitigates bias and helps ensure applicants of diverse backgrounds are considered fairly. Earning this verification means you can expect:

  • Your resume and any assignments or tests are anonymized to help reduce unconscious bias

  • You will be evaluated against a set of job-specific attributes that would help ensure success in the role (e.g., technical skills, functional experience, familiarity with certain platforms, etc.)

  • Interviewers will be prompted at key points in the process to base their feedback on the specific, defined job criteria and your qualifications

  • Interviewers must submit their interview notes and decisions prior to seeing others so they aren’t influenced or biased in their review of your qualifications


This verification means a company has proven that you can expect to speak with interviewers who are prepared to ask thoughtful, informed questions that are consistent across applicants. You can expect:

  • Each interviewer will ask you at least two unique, role-specific questions
  • Each interviewer is evaluating you for at least two role-specific attributes (e.g., communication, technical ability, collaborativeness, etc.)
  • As interviewers score you for each predetermined role attribute, they are required to provide an explanation to add context to their rating


This verification means the company has prioritized providing you and all applicants with an inclusive, positive experience. You can expect:

  • You will be able to identify your personal pronouns

  • You will be able to record your name pronunciation as part of your application

  • You will receive an email confirming your application to the job

  • You will be able to provide anonymous feedback about your experience at the end of the process

  • All company hiring goals are set with a target value, many of which will have a direct impact on the applicant


This verification means you can expect that the company will send you timely updates and responses throughout the application and interview process. You can expect:

  • You will receive a timely email notification when you have been rejected for this job

How we get hiring data for verifications

In order to determine which companies and job posts meet the requirements for each of these verifications, we look to the company’s practices within Greenhouse, including:

  • Configuration settings for how applicants are evaluated

  • Inclusion reminders are turned on

  • Interview-specific questions for the role

  • Job-specific attributes are configured

  • Anonymization is enabled

  • Candidate surveys are enabled

  • Email stage notifications are enabled

  • Percentage of active applicants in closed jobs

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