Turn your hiring data into insights

Learn how to make reporting work better for your organization with a simplified approach to common reporting use cases, setting up custom reports and best data practices.

Rich data leads to better business decisions

Data drives better decision-making. This is equally true for your business and your recruiting efforts. Collecting accurate and insightful data through reporting empowers your hiring team to make evidence-based decisions and gives all stakeholders insights into hiring.

Get the answers you need from Greenhouse reporting

Reporting can sometimes seem overwhelming. We want to help your team learn the tools and best practices that will make reporting work better for your organization.

During this on-demand webinar, you’ll learn how to get the answers from Greenhouse data that will lead to compelling storytelling for all stakeholders and, ultimately, better hiring decisions.

In this webinar, you’ll learn to:

  • Align your stakeholders on reporting needs
  • Seamlessly handle common reporting use cases with Greenhouse data
  • Leverage the new Report Builder experience to build custom reports in Greenhouse
  • Set a robust foundation for long-term data quality maintenance