Structured hiring 101: Achieving better hiring outcomes… | Greenhouse

Structured hiring 101: Achieving better hiring outcomes with a consistent hiring framework

This session recording is from Greenhouse Open Forum: Transform Your Hiring Practices 2021

Structured hiring creates a more strategic and consistent hiring process by making interviews more efficient, reducing bias and improving the candidate experience and ultimately leads to better hiring decisions. In this session, hear from Jon Stross, Greenhouse President and Co-author of Talent Makers, as he leads a discussion with industry leaders about the benefits of structured hiring. You’ll hear specific ideas that you can take back to your own company in order to start hiring more effectively, right now.


  • Jon Stross, President & Co-founder at Greenhouse

  • Alison dela Cruz, Recruitment Lead at trivago

  • Matthias Schmeißer, Director of Talent at Beamery