Ensure your new hire’s first six months are as successful as possible with these checklists

1 mins, 21 secs read time
You did everything you could to create a perfect first day and first week for your new hire. Great work so far!
Even though at the end of the first month your new hire might not feel so “new” anymore, it’s still a good idea to think about ways to make sure they’re continuing on their journey to being fully immersed in your company. We like to think of this extending phase of onboarding as supporting an employee’s journey toward being a master at their role, a mentor to other employees, and an advocate of your company. (Not sure what we mean? Get a thorough explanation here!).
Below are some ideas to continue the onboarding process during the first 6 months:
Human Resources
Ensure employee knows about forums for airing concerns
Solicit feedback at key points in onboarding such as the end of month 1, 3, and 6
Plan regular company-wide social activities
Organize regular sessions where new hire can meet team leaders and learn about all teams and departments
Direct Manager
Set up regular recurring one-on-one meetings
Ensure employee knows about forums for giving and receiving recognition
Set up regular check-ins for employee development plan, leadership training, and cross-departmental projects
Go over career ladders and professional development opportunities
Workplace Buddy
Plan regular check-ins and social events
Introduce new hire to people in other departments
Invite your buddy to something outside of work hours (hanging out at the office, going out for beers, etc.)
Invite new hire to become a buddy for another new hire and pay it forward!
Want all these checklists and more (think: first day, first week, etc.) to help you organize and streamline new hire onboarding?
Get the eBook