Employer branding excellence: Highlighting your company mission, vision and values

2 mins, 30 secs read time
Candidates and employees care about being connected to a greater purpose, and they’re looking for an employer with values that align with their own. Help them see their own purpose reflected in your company values and mission by showcasing your employer brand throughout the candidate journey.
More than a list on your company website
Providing a way for people to connect with your company mission, vision and values is even more important given the shift to distributed workplaces. The reality of distributed working and hiring means we can no longer rely on in-person interactions to communicate a shared purpose. Additionally, candidates and employees are making it known that a company’s social impact and response to injustices matter deeply when considering whether they will apply or stay. But it’s impossible for people to make the connection between their personal values and company values if they’re simply listed on a webpage. It’s therefore critical to prove your company lives its mission and values. How? Through the authentic, personal stories of your employees.
Employee stories share your real culture, and they bring it to life in full color and detail, engaging and impacting your talent audiences.
Stories establish that connection of shared values between the storyteller, the candidate or employee, and your employer brand.

Bring employee stories to life
Van Metre Companies, for example, is a family-run business and believes in treating their employees “like family from the moment they come on board.” But many companies describe their own culture as being “like a family” (it's the most common thing we hear from storytellers in any company), so how can Van Metre prove that this value is a genuine differentiator at their company? They share a story from an employee, James, in which he specifically details how he and his whole family has experienced that company value in their lives.
Stories from employees have the ability to make your company mission, vision and values real to candidates. But that doesn’t mean companies should simply ask employees to read corporate values statements on camera. It’s important that words and experiences team members share are fully their own and contain the elements of a story.

Start weaving team member stories that express your values into all areas of your application and employee experiences. Invite employees at all levels to share exactly how working at the company has made a difference in their lives, and why they feel connected to the work they are doing.
We show you how to do this, step by step, in our eBook How to build and communicate an impactful talent brand. Inside, you’ll find examples of impactful employer branding in action, and practical tips to powerfully and effectively communicate with candidates and employees through stories.
Looking for examples of impactful employer branding in action and practical tips to build or reshape your employer brand? Get the eBook.